Interim Management
EMD Tooling (Oostrum) & Van Vlijmen ('s-Hertogenbosch)
From November 2022 to December 2024, Peter Rutten served as general manager of EMD Tooling and Gereedschapmakerij Van Vlijmen on an interim basis. Both companies specialize in the design and production of high-quality stamping and precision tools for the industry, with an important customer base within the automotive industry. This sector has had to deal with challenging market conditions in these years. Peter led EMD and GVV during those difficult times. He completed his interim assignment at the beginning of December 2024 and handed over his tasks to the management.
“The Turnaround Finance Group announces that Crane Group has received the Euler Hermes sponsored award for the most distinctive turnaround in 2005.
Autogas installation manufacturer Vialle demonstrated an unexpected successful performance. Peter Rutten (CEO of Vialle) was awarded the Runner-up Award 2005 by Mr. Louis Deterink.
In particular, the restructuring of the organization combined with groundbreaking environmental technology and a sophisticated marketing concept has resulted in the jury’s decision.”
november 16, 2005